The Situation

Since 2000, Kollective Technology has been making corporate networks smarter, faster, and more secure for partners like Exxon Mobile, Bank of America, and Kraft-Heinz. Based in Bend, OR, Kollective’s team members span eight global offices.

Like most I.T. companies, the pandemic brought new work challenges for Kollective’s team. Dealing with last year’s external stressors was difficult, and Kollective’s leadership wanted to make sure their close-knit team felt supported when it came to managing their mental health.

Leaders at Kollective wanted to get a better idea of what their team members were facing across their eight global offices so that they could respond thoughtfully and effectively. They were aware of how mental health impacts productivity and burnout, so Kollective sought a solution to help employees manage stress and learn skills to improve their wellbeing.


“The Pathways at Work process helped us identify our most pressing employee mental health concerns. It is important to us to show our employees that we take their well-being seriously, and the courses were effective in doing just that.”

Dan Vetras
CEO | Kollective Technology

The Solution

Kollective chose to partner with Pathways at Work to offer customized mental health solutions that addressed employees’ needs directly while providing them with skills to manage their wellbeing proactively. To start, Pathways deployed a comprehensive survey of their employees to capture what concerns or challenges they had regarding their mental health.

The survey of Kollective’s employees found that:


91% of employees reported having some concern about coping with stress and anxiety.


78% of employees reported having some concern about work-life balance.


75% of employees reported having some concern about preventing burnout at work.

Pathways’ team of clinical experts met with Kollective’s leadership team to discuss the survey results and develop a plan. Pathways identified six key areas of focus Kollective employees were most interested in addressing. Then, Pathways built a customized solution to meet the needs of Kollective’s employees and culture.

The solution was a six-part workshop series, consisting of virtual training workshops, interactive discussion groups, tools, and resources for Kollective’s employees.

Featured topics of each session included:

Controlling Stress and Anxiety
Preventing Burnout
Improving Efficiency
Improving Work-Life Balance
Preventing Fatigue and Insomnia
Overcoming Loneliness and Isolation

Kollective technologies opted to roll out their customized Pathways at Work program in bi-weekly increments to ensure their team had the resources they needed as soon as possible.

The Outcome

Kollective’s six-part series yielded impressive results:


of attendees found the sessions effective


of attendees took away an actionable technique and/or intervention from their session.

Before the Pathways at Work series concluded, Kollective Technology was already impressed by the difference it made in their workplace wellness, productivity, and culture. The Pathways at Work program met Kollective Technology’s goals to address the current needs of their employees while establishing a proactive approach to managing their wellness at work.

Pathways at Work has helped Kollective Technology normalize mental health at work and they are excited to implement further Pathways at Work programs to support the ongoing mental and behavioral health of their team.


“It was wonderful seeing Kollective put together a compact, timely list of reminders of all the things I have at my disposal to help me regroup during this time. Thank you so much for sharing these invaluable things.”

Kollective Employee

Get Your Organization Started on a Path Towards Mental Wellness.

Pathways at Work helps organizations across the U.S. improve their employees’ mental health with customized programs and workshops. If you’re ready to prioritize mental and behavioral health in your workplace, we can help.

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Get insight into your employees' greatest mental and behavioral health concerns.