Mental and Behavioral Health Blog

Critical Incident Stress: How to Help Employees Cope Long-Term

Critical incident stress can impact employees long after an emergency, there's no expiration date...

How to Support Employees Dealing With Psychological Trauma in the Workplace

The toll that psychological trauma takes on employees also has a long-term impact on the...

The Costs of Presenteeism and Absenteeism in the Workplace

While absenteeism has long been a concern for employers, presenteeism can be just as costly. Here's...

Leadership’s Role In Dealing With Suicide In The Workplace

When suicide impacts the workplace, it's important that leadership is prepared to respond...

Compassion Fatigue vs. Burnout: How To Tell The Difference & Spot The Signs

Burnout is impacting more professionals than ever, but so is compassion fatigue. While compassion...

6 Ways HR Can Maximize the Impact of Training on Employee Retention

Top organizations know that employee retention and training go hand-in-hand. Here's how HR teams...

Workplace Mental Health: The True Cost to Employers

Employee mental health has a huge impact on workplace performance and companies' bottom line....

How Mental Health Training in the Workplace Supports Your Ongoing HR Efforts

80% of employees say they’d leave their current job for a company that focused more on mental...

How Prioritizing Employee Well-Being Boosts HR's Recruitment Efforts

Job seekers are more concerned with company values than ever before. Prioritizing employee...

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